
Revealing the invisible, evocative of the unspeakable, it is the caress of a compliment, the interpreter of a palpable aura. It defends the singular beauty, the one that is grasped when one feels more than one observes. Orchestra of attraction, ode to sweetness, it exacerbates any form of femininity. It is a pastel glow piercing the opaline veil of the clouds. If beauty has the advantage of being memorable, its perfume has the elegance of being unforgettable. Tanagra, subtle expression of eternal delicacy.
Tanagra is a perfume woven directly onto the skin. A powdery silk fabric marrying the most subtle lines, a musky cashmere caressing the sweetest curves. The body then becomes a haunting dance where every movement exalts this invisible envelope. Its wake, delicately floral, is sublimated by the beauty of the rose, the purity of the freesia and the grace of the iris.