Collection: Maison Violet

12 products

Mr. Violet established the Violet perfumes in Paris in 1827. The business won numerous awards and was the owner of multiple cosmetics patents. When Violet formally started serving Empress Eugenie and Queen Isabella II of Spain in 1842, the bee—a symbol of the Empress—was attached to every bottle. In 1858, the store changed its name to "To the Queen of Bees - Violet House" in order to prove its legitimacy.

At that point, Louis Claye died. Violet traded on the French stock market and was one of the biggest Frencah perfume houses at the time. Under the brand name Veolay, the business started to expand to other nations after Aaron Marc Rehns was named president in 1885.


Mr. François-Étienne Violet founded the perfume Maison Violet in 1827, which served as a turning point for the French cosmetics sector. Throughout its life, the company, which held multiple patents, including one for Thinace soap, received many positive reviews. Violet was a Parisian who worked at multiple addresses but was most known for her work at 12 Boulevard des Capucines.

Types & Varieties 

The niche fragrance brand Maison Violet offers a range of luxury perfumes for men and women. Some perfumes from their collection are Nuée Bleue, Sketch, Un Air d’Apogée, Tanagra and Pourpre d’Automne.